Cracker Barrel Pancake Recipe {Copy-Cat} 

With this Copy-Cat Cracker Barrel Pancake recipe, you don’t have to wait until you can get to the restaurant to get your pancake fix. Easily whip up a batch of these amazing buttermilk pancakes at home, any time!

-all-purpose flour -baking soda -salt -sugar -eggs -low-fat buttermilk -unsalted butter

preheat a skillet - cast-iron preferred 

Mix eggs and buttermilk 

Mix in flour, soda, sugar and salt 

Rub butter on heated skillet and add about 1/2 cup of batter. Cook until bubbly and flip. Cook until done.  

Repeat with the rest of the batter. Enjoy with more butter and maple syrup. 

Thick Brush Stroke

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