Homemade Cresent Rolls 

Light and soft homemade crescent rolls are always a crowd-pleaser. This Crescent Roll Recipe is great for the holidays, dinner time or a breakfast bread. Make ahead and freeze for an easy dinner roll.

You'll Need 

– 1 cup of luke-warm milk – 2&1/2 tsp. of yeast (1 package) – 4 cups of unbleached flour – 1/3 cups of granulated sugar – 1 tsp. of salt – 3 eggs, beaten – 1/3 cup of canola or vegetable oil – 2 Tbsp. of melted butter


– Heat milk in a saucepan, but only until you see some steam rising. The best temperature for yeast is around 110 degrees. If your milk gets too hot, then just let it cool off for a bit – Add the yeast to the milk, and stir to dissolve

– In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar and salt – In a separate bowl mix the eggs and oil – Stir the oil mixture into the flour mixture – Now, add the yeast and milk mixture and stir in – Grease a large bowl – Place the dough into the large greased bowl, and place in a warm place to dry – You can use the warmth of your oven light with the door closed to make a warm place – Let the dough rise until doubled – It’s a good idea to just walk away. This will take about 40 minutes to an hour

– Divide the dough in half – Place half of the dough onto a lightly floured surface – Roll the dough out to about a 9 inch circle – Slice the dough into 8-10 triangles

– Start rolling the triangles up from large tip to small tip, tucking the point under

 Place on a cookie sheet to freeze – When the rolls are frozen, place them in a zip tight bag and freeze until your ready for them – You’ll have to let the dough thaw and rise on the day you bake the rolls. So, take the out the ones you want and place on a cookie sheet. Cover them up so they are warm and cozy, and let rise until the rolls have doubled in size. – You’ll have to let the dough thaw and rise on the day you bake the rolls. So, take out the ones you want and place them them on a cookie sheet. Cover them up so they are warm and cozy, and let rise until the rolls have doubled in size.

To Freeze the Rolls 

– Bake at 350 degrees for about 10-15 minutes – Brush melted butter over baked rolls