Mini Basket Craft

These mini pipe cleaner baskets are great mini Easter basket ornaments for the Easter tree or a cute mini basket craft. They are easy to make and look great as an Easter or Spring decoration.

– A kitchen funnel – Two Pipe Cleaners – Low Temp. Glue or a Good Tacky Glue tacky glue  – Mini Craft Pom-Poms


– Place your funnel upside down. – Starting at the point where the stem meets the funnel, wrap your pipe cleaner around, going down – Take the pipe cleaner strip off of the funnel

– At the narrow end of the pipe cleaner basket, use your hands to close the hole in

– Cut another strip of your pipe cleaner – Use this as your handle for your basket, securing it on two sides of the opening to your basket with glue – if you want, add pom-poms for Easter Eggs

Click Below For Full Instructions