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spoons card game
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Spoons Card Game

A fun family card game of spoons.
Prep Time2 minutes
Active Time20 minutes
Author: Melissa Haines
Cost: 5


  • 3 players or more players
  • 1 deck cards
  • spoons 1 less spoon for the total number of people playing


  • Players should sit at a table or on the flour with spoons in the middle of the players
  • Shuffle the deck of cards and give 4 to each player
  • The remaining cards will be used as a draw pile
  • Choose a leader to deal cards
  • The leader should choose a card from the draw pile and decide if they want to keep it to help them make 4 of a kind or pass it on if it doesn't fit into their 4 of a-kind strategy
  • If they keep the card, The leader should pass on one card from their hand (leaving them with 4 in their hand) to the person on the right
  • If the dealer doesn't like the card, then they pass that card to the right
  • The person receiving the card then decides which card to get rid of and then passes one to the player on their right
  • The last person, before the leader will not pass to a person. They will discard a card into a discard pile in the center of the table
  • Play continues at a pretty fast pace with cards being passed from player to player in a circle
  • When one player matches 4 cards and has 4 of a kind in their hand, they should secretly grab a spoon from the center of the table (Don't announce it as my child did in the video)
  • Those that notice it should also grab a spoon
  • Once players catch on they will all start scrambling to grab a spoon
  • The one player that is too slow to react, will sadly be without a spoon and lose the game - That person is assigned an S from the word SPOONS. If they lose a second time, they get the P, and so on until they spell SPOONS. The loser from each round is assigned a letter until they spell SPOONS. When that happens, they are out of the game
  • Reshuffle the cards and let the person that lost the game act as the leader and play again and again