Pour white melts into the mason jar and microwave on high for one minute
Note: You may have to melt the white chocolates in batches as the 16 oz. jar might not hold an entire bag of white melts at once.
Use a kitchen towel to pick up the jar as it will be extremely hot. Stir the chocolate melts until smooth. If needed, place it back in the microwave for another 30 seconds.
Let the jar cool off to the touch.
Pick the jar up and slightly tilt it to force the chocolate to the side of the jar.
Dip pretzel rods into the chocolate and turn it until it is fully coated
Set it onto wax paper to dry
Once the chocolate has hardened, you can start decorating with red and blue chocolate.
In a separate bowl, melt half of the bag of red chocolates
Pour the melted red chocolate into a candy squeeze bottle (if you do not have a squeeze bottle, you can substitute a baggie with the corner snipped off)
Squeeze red chocolate back and forth in a curved snake-like pattern over the bottom 3/4 of the white chocolate.
Once it has hardened, you can pick them up and snap the curves off of the pretzels.
In a separate glass microwave-proof bowl, melt the bag of the blue chocolate melts (use the same method as the white chocolate)
Spoon blue chocolate over the top tips of the pretzels, covering the tips
While the blue chocolate is still melted, add white sprinkle stars
Let chocolate dry and harden