The Spider Race {Halloween Game}

The Spider Race is such a fun Halloween Party Game for kids to play. The spiders can be made from simple items that you can find around the house. An easy to make Halloween activity.

A great Halloween game for kids, teens, and adults!

– Liquid Coffee Cream Tops – Black paint  – Paint Brush – Black Pipe Cleaners  – Scissors – Black pom-pom for the head  – Wiggle Eyes  – A paper or plastic straw – twine


– Cover your painting surface and paint the coffee cream tops black – Open the lid and glue 4 pipe cleaner pieces to each side – Close the lids and add the Pom-Pom heads with wiggle eyes – Cut a piece of the paper straw and glue it to the top of the lid

– tie one end of each  piece of yarn to something low to the ground, in the room or in the yard  – String the other side of the yarn through the straw on the spider – You can tie the other side of the string onto something taller so it slopes down, or just have the kids hold the other end of the string.

– Pull the spiders to the starting position, and when you're ready say go! – Let the spiders go, and The spiders are off!

Click Below For Full Instructions