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A Simple Beauty and the Beast Party Drink Idea For Kids

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Excuse me while I interrupt the Easter and spring posts with a Beauty and the Beast Party Drink Idea. The thing is…we just got around to seeing the movie last weekend. Amazing, right?! It was a huge hit for our family and I know it probably was for yours too. Usually, I’d be doling out the movie party ideas a month before they come out just to get the ball rolling. This time, I’m a little late to the party. Better late than never! Come on in and I’ll show you this fun and simple party drink Idea:

beauty and the beast party drink

Here’s What You’ll Need for the Beauty and the Beast Party Drink Idea:

  • A large party pitcher, preferably with a rounded top like the bell dome
  • A long stem red silk rose that is twice as tall as your beverage dispenser – washed and rinsed
  • Lemonade mix, or pre-made lemonade – the yellow symbolizes Belle’s dress
  • * or  a clear drink like Water or Sprite would also be pretty
  • optional – white tea cups

*My dispenser is about 12 inches tall, and the rose I used had a stem that was 24 inches

Now, onto the fun!

A simple Beauty and the Beast Party Drink Idea! Perfect and easy for your birthday parties - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

  • You’ll need to experiment with your rose a bit by bending and twisting the stem so it has a sturdy base
  • I wrapped my stem around into a circle at the bottom and bent the stem upward 
  • I used my daughter’s Beauty and the Beast Scholastic book to help guide me through the bends and curves of the rose
  • Place your rose into the container and check, and double check that you like how it looks
  • The rose should be toward the top, silk leaves are optional – but they are also above the drink line and you should be able to see the rose as you walk up to the drink
  • Back to the drink, when you’re ready, place the rose inside the drink dispenser and either mark where you want your beverage line to be or just pour away from the rose
  • Pour your drink up to your desired mark  stopping before you reach the leaves. The plastic stem should be the only part submerged
  • If you’re anything like me, you’ll fuss with the placement of the rose at least 12 more times
A simple Beauty and the Beast Party Drink Idea! Perfect and easy for your birthday parties - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com
  • That’s it! You’re done!
  • *A note on silk flowers – I have researched and researched silk flowers and their safety more than I ever thought I would in my lifetime. Before I even made this drink, I wanted to be certain the flower would be a safe way to go inside a beverage. From what I understand the silk flower is completely nontoxic, but I still like the idea of only the (washed) plastic stem inside the beverage.  Here’s a link – if you want to read up on it. Look under “reasons to buy”
A simple Beauty and the Beast Party Drink Idea! Perfect and easy for your birthday parties - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Here it is with water filled in the vase.

Here are my top Amazon picks for this Beauty and the Beast Party Idea:
(affiliate links)

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Thank you so much for stopping by! Happy Partying! 

~Melissa – Kid Friendly Things To Do

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