Pipe Cleaner Ornament (A Pretty Pine Bough)
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Today, I’d like to share this Easy Pipe Cleaner Pine Bough Ornament for Kids to Make at Christmas. I know that I’m always looking for a simple craft or ornament to make with the kids. If you’re in the market for something like that, then come on in, and I’ll share the “how to”

Pipe Cleaner Christmas Ornament…
Here’s what you’ll need for this fun Christmas Craft:
- brown pipe cleaner
- green pipe cleaner
- red yarn
- scissors
- glue – a great adhesive that dries instantly like hot glue is fabri-tac. Scouts honor, they don’t pay me to say that. I just think it’s a great craft glue for working with kids.
- Optional – spray adhesive and white glitter

Now, onto the fun stuff:
- cut the brown pipe cleaner in half and bend it so it’s a little off-centered
- cut about 12 (2 inch) pieces of green pipe cleaner
- bend the green pipe cleaners around the brown branches – slide them into the place you want them
- I snipped a little off of the bottom green piece to shape the pine bough a little bit
- bend the end of the brown over the bottom green pine piece to secure the pieces
- tie a piece of yarn at the bend in the brown
- cut another piece of yarn and make a bow – glue that onto the bend of the brown pipe cleaner
- If you want, you can add some snow to the pine bough by spraying the pipe cleaner with adhesive spray and shaking some glitter on

Here are my top Amazon picks for this fun Christmas Craft to make with the kids:
(affiliate links)
[box] BEACON Fabri-Tac Premium Fa...Shop on Amazon
EBOOT 100 Pieces Pipe Clean...Shop on Amazon
Creativity Street Chenille ...Shop on Amazon
Aleenes All Purpose Tacky A...Shop on Amazon
Aleene's Glitter Snow 4ozShop on Amazon
Red Heart E300.0319 Super S...Shop on Amazon[/box]

~ Merry Christmas