Rice Krispies Teepee Treat for a Kid Friendly Thanksgiving
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Are you ready for the latest new idea? I’m so excited to share this fun treat with you, today! It’s my Rice Krispies Teepee Treat for Thanksgiving idea. You all, these are so adorable! I have always admired the sugar cone teepees that I’ve seen on Pinterest. So, I got to thinkin’, hmm…a rice krispies teepee would be a great alternative to that idea. I knew exactly what I needed to pull this idea off. Come on in, and I’ll share how I made these fun Teepees for Thanksgiving!

Here’s what you’ll need for this Rice Krispies Teepee Treat for a Kid Friendly Thanksgiving: This makes 1 dozen teepees
- 3 Tbsp. of unalted butter
- 6 cups of rice cereal
- 4 cups of fresh mini marshmallows
- Spray oil
- A mold for your teepee – I used a sno kone cup that I had ordered off of Amazon. You could make a card stock funnel, but the sno kone mold would definitely be the easier way to go – Check for the link, below *If you’re in a pinch, you can probably just mold them by hand, without a funnel.
- Mini pretzel sticks
- Decoration ideas – Chocolate Melts to use as decoration and as a glue for …fall sprinkles, Mini M&Ms, and any thing else you can think of
- *I have recently discovered mini candy melt bags in the candy making aisle. I thought that I’d give them a whirl. The upside to the bag is that you don’t end up wasting a lot of melted chocolate. I do, however, prefer the old fashioned method of pouring some candy melts into a bowl and microwaving them, then using a squeeze tube. I feel like I have more control over the chocolate. It’s your call, but I wanted to add my 2 cents before you went shopping.
Here’s my handy dandy video to give you a better idea on how to make this fun treat!

Now, on to the fun!
- Make the rice kripies treat by melting butter in a large sauce pan, add the marshmallows and stir until melted. Add the cereal, and stir until your arm feels like it wants to fall off! Done!
- You’re only gonna need 1 sno kone mold for all 12 teepees
- Spray the inside of the cone mold
- While the rice krispies treats are still warm and able to mold, start stuffing the cones with the cereal mixture, and releasing them onto wax paper.
- Again, while the mixture is still warm and soft – which means – work quick!
- Add a few pretzel stick to the top of your teepees. If they get squished down, mold them with your hands
- Now, you can let them harden and cool off a bit
- Grab your chocolate melts and get those melted. Place the melted chocolate in a squeeze tube or a baggie with a corner snipped off. OR – my alternative was to use the little chocolate melt bags that I found at Walmart in the candy making aisle.
- Squeeze lines, zig-zags and whatever strikes your fancy onto your teepees

- Add M&Ms wherever you see fit
- And, Voila’ you are done, my friend!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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