Easy Paper Plate Snowman Craft for Kids to Make
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This Paper Plate Snowman Craft is just what our house needs to brighten up these snowless, dreary winter days. Hopefully, we’ll get a real snowstorm soon. Until then, this cutie pie is doing the trick. Come on in, and I’ll share the “how to” on making this Easy Paper Plate Snowman Craft for Kids to Make:

Pretty cute, huh?!

I was inspired by some cute paper plate snowmen in our elementary school hallway. There’s nothing cuter than snowmen with crooked eyes, and sideways smiles! I immediately fell in love with the cuteness, and decided to make my own version with the kids at home – immediately.
Here’s What You’ll Need To Make Your Own Paper Plate Snowman:
(for each snowman)
- 1 large white paper plate
- 1 dessert sized white paper plate
- 1 winter hat – I found mine at the Dollar Tree
- Optional for arms: 2 pieces – Brown pipe cleaner (He looks perfectly adorable without the arms. If you want to save the headache of gluing more pieces…skip them)
- 2 large googly eyes – about 3/4″ to 1″ wide
- Circle stickers – Make sure you have some orange ones for the nose – I bought avery stickers in the office section of Walmart
- Black pom-poms – I bought large ones that are easy for little hands to grasp, but you could use any size
- 2 pieces of scotch tape
- 18 inch piece of wired ribbon for the scarf
- 1 paper clip for hanging
- Glue – I used a warm glue gun to prep the snowman pieces, and let the kids use tacky glue for adding the decorations. Fabri-tac is a wonderful glue that can easily substitute the glue gun. It’s a little expensive, but you’ll love it!
- Optional: To hang the snowman from my window, I used a suction cup with a hook

Hat is not pictured, here
Now, onto the craft:
If you want to make it really easy to do with little ones, do a little prepping:
- glue the 2 plates together
- roll the hat up and glue that to the top paper plate with a warm glue gun or the fabri-tac
- Also, prep the arms – cut 1 brown pipe cleaner in half
- Cut another into 4 equal parts – wrap 2 of the smaller pieces around the 2 longer ones at one end – making the arms. Glue them to the back of the larger plate
- let the kids go at it, decorating their snowmen using the stickers, eyes, and pom-poms for the face and belly
- They can use tape to adhere the arms to the back of the plates
- Finally, add the scarf by bending the ribbon around the middle of the 2 plates
- I poked a little paper clip through the top of the hat for hanging
That’s it! Happy Winter!
Here’s my top picks from Amazon for this Paper Plate Snowman for Kids to Make (affiliate links)
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BEACON Fabri-Tac Premium Fa...Shop on Amazon [/box]
~Melissa – Kid Friendly Things To Do