9 Easy Minute To Win It Games for Kids
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The best Minute to Win It Games for the whole family. These are fun, easy, and competitive Minute To Win It Games are a fun addition to any party. Easy Minute to Win It Games for kids, teens, and adults to play at your next school, holiday, or church event.

Minute to Win It Games to Play
These Minute to Win It games are hard enough to make it challenging but easy enough for everyone to enjoy. They are our top picks for easy Minute to Win It Games for kids and the perfect Minute to Win It Games for School or Church Parties.
You can really take any party up a notch just by adding these fast-paced and Easy Minute To Win It Games like Minute to Win It Christmas Games or these Super fun Minute to Win It Games with a Winter Theme. They are always a big hit and so hilarious to watch.
Here’s a fun video sampling some of our favorite and Best Minute To Win It Games which you can find right on this website
How Do You Play Minute To Win It Games?
Minute to Win It Games are fast-paced and challenging games. The tasks must be completed in one minute while players race the clock to complete a task
Types of Minute-to-Win-It Competitions and Points Awarded
Small Group Play
If it is a small group of players going then individuals will be competing against the clock to perform a task and the ones that finish the fastest in under a minute, or get the most tasks completed in under a minute will be awarded a point
Zero points if the task is not completed in under one minute
Team Members vs. Team Members
A player from each team will go head to head (this can be more than 2 teams competing). The player that completes the task first gets the point for their team
Zero points if the task is not completed in under one minute
Large Team Play
Points are awarded in order of completion. Players from each team will compete against each other and points are awarded in order of completion times. The first team to complete the task earns 5 points, the second team to complete earns 3, and the third team to complete the task earns 1 point.
Zero points are awarded if the task is not completed
Score Board Example
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Dry erase boards are perfect for keeping score

Starting the Minute to Win It Games
Once the game is set up, and the instructions are explained, the timer should be set to 1 minute and the host yells go. Players have one minute to complete the task. If they mess up, the timer does not stop. They have to start over and try again
What are good prizes for Minute To Win It Games?
- The pride of winning the game
- A candy bar
- A trophy
- A ribbon – homemade or ordered
- Money!
Some of the games require an open space for racing, but most are performed on a table surface
Almost all of the games can be played outside
The surface is the important part of Minute To Win It Games – you’ll need a table top and sometimes a hard floor (a sidewalk would do in most cases)
Typical Minute to Win It Supplies
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- Most supplies can be found around the house
- Examples are, rubber bands, plastic cups, paper plates, ping pong balls, pencils, paper clips, paper, balloons, tissue, soda cans, index cards, and more easy-to-find items
9 Minute to Win It Games for Kids
Game One
Yank Me
Difficulty Level – 1 (easy)
Players – 1 player per team
Here’s a quick video to see how we played this game…

Supplies for Yank Me
- You’ll need plastic cups and index cards (4 x 6 inch) for each player – We decided that 4 cups plus 3 pieces of cardstock makes this game DOable
How to Play
- The players – in one minute – have to stack the cups just right so they center on the paper
- Then, they have to pull the paper out from between the cups, so the cups collapse onto each other

Game 2
Back Flip
Difficulty Level – 5 (hard) but can be modified for little kids
Players – 1 per team
Here’s a quick video…
Supplies for Backflip:
- Set 6 stools out with 2 pencils on each stool
How to play:
- Players will try to – in 1 minute – grab 2 pencils, steady them on the back of their hand, flip them up, and catch them
- Then, quickly move to the next stool adding 2 more pencils each time, and perform the same activity – finally, ending in 12 pencils total
Variation younger kids…
Have fewer pencils total for young kids to work up to

Game 3
Tilt A Cup
Difficulty Level: 1
(2 players from each team)
Here’s a short video showing how to play the game…
- For each team – 6 plastic cups, and 6 + ping pong balls (you’ll want several in reserve because a lot will fall onto the floor)
- Players have to get on opposite sides of the table
- One player holds the 6 stacked cups and the other has the balls
- IN 1 MINUTE – Player 1 will bounce the ball onto the table, toward the other player – 1 at a time, while Player 2 tries to catch it in the cup
- Once the ball is caught in the cup, player 2 takes that cup (with the ball still in it) and moves it to the bottom of the cup stacked in their hand to catch the second ball
- Repeat until all 6 balls are in the cups – 1 ball per cup
- The cups get a little wobbly toward the end and start to TILT
Variation For younger kids:
- When my kids were younger we found that using 4 cups was just the right amount before frustration levels set in

Game 4
Kerplink or Kerplunk
Difficulty Level – 2
Players – 1 per team
- A punch bowl or large bowl filled with water
- 3 plastic cups to float in the water
- marbles – several

How do you play Kerplink or Kerplunk?
- In less than 60 seconds, bounce marbles off of a table and into all 3 cups floating in the bowl of water
- If the marble lands in a cup, you’ll be rewarded with a kerplink sound – If it lands in the water then you’ll hear kerplunk

Game 4
Water Pong
Level of Difficulty – 1-2
Players per team – 1

Supplies Needed
- You’ll need some short glasses filled halfway with water
- 6 ping pong balls

Setting Up
Our cups were set at 21 inches and 26 inches (to the center of the cup) away from the edge of the table
- In 1 Minute. Players will bounce the ping pong ball onto the table, so it bounces up and into the water of each cup
- The winner is the person who lands the most balls in the cups of water in under one minute

Game 5
Full of Hot Air
Difficulty level – l
(2 players per team)

- You’ll need 1 balloon 4 ping pong balls, and 1 plastic cup per team

- In 1 minute, Player 1 will blow the balloon up and use the air from the balloon to blow the balls over to player 2 who will catch them in a cup!
Game 6
Hanky Panky
Difficulty level – 1
Players per team – 1
- You’ll need 1 large Kleenex box per player
- In 1 minute players must pull Kleenex out -1 at a time – from the box
- The first one to empty the box wins

Game 7
Separation Anxiety
Difficulty level – 1
Players – 1 player per team

- You’ll need assorted candies and a cup per team
- optional: 1 sorting tray per player
- Players (in 1 minute) will need to sort out the candy onto a tray or onto the table
- Don’t let the players dump the candy out. That makes it too easy
Game 8
Stack it!
difficulty level – 2
Players – 1 player per team

- You’ll need 6 plastic cups and 3 paper plates per player
- In 1 minute, players will need to stack the cups and paper plates like the above picture

Game 9
This Blows!
Difficulty Level – 1
Players per team – 1

- 15 (16 oz.) Plastic Solo Cups per team – or use the same cups if taking turns
- Long table or countertop
Setting up for the game:
- *Modify the number of cups and the length the kids or adults have to knock them off the table as needed to make it more or less challenging
- Set up the cups on the edge or center of the table
- Place deflated balloons out for each player
How to Play This Blows!
- In under 60 seconds, fill your balloon with air
- Release the air towards the cups – knocking them off of the surface
- Keep refilling the balloon as many times as needed to blow cups off of the surface

Thank you, Melissa for Yhe Minute to Win It ideas. I am a grandmother who has been racking her brain for some great ideas for my grandson’s birthday party!
You are so welcome. Happy Birthday to your grandson. 🙂
Thanks So Much!!! We used the games at our children church Christmas Party!
It’s my pleasure! I’m so glad to hear that.
I can’t seem to locate your book. It looks so fun. Every year at Christmas our family plays minute to win it games. We have a 6 and 8 year old who plays with the adults.
Your idea’s are perfect for our family.
Should your book be on amazon? I couldn’t find it for some reason.
Hi Shiela! Unfortunately, I have not written a book yet. That is something on my “to do” list. Maybe your comment will give me the push I need to finally get one done and on Amazon. 🙂 The best that I can do for now is offer you all of the fun Minute To Win It Games on the site. We’ve tested the games with kids in mind. The ones that bombed or were too frustrating, we changed to fit kids or shelved them for a later time. Hopefully you’ll be able to find many fun Minute To Win It Games here on the site to play with the kids.
I was looking for something different to do for my classroom Christmas party. My first graders will love these activities!! Thank you!
I’m so glad that you are planning on playing these games at your classroom party. How fun! Happy Holidays!