DIY Febreze recipe
Home & Garden

DIY Febreze Recipe

Making your own DIY Febreze is super simple, and it is way more economical than purchasing it at the store. It’s a great recipe to

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fruit fly trap homemade
Home & Garden

DIY Fruit Fly Trap

Over the years, I have used this handy dandy DIY fruit fly trap to eliminate thousands of fruit flies. It’s simple to make with only a

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DIY drano running water in sink
Home & Garden

DIY Drano Recipe

This drain-cleaning recipe is a great natural and inexpensive alternative to Drano. A great way to unclog your sinks without ruining your pipes. DIY Drano

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rug with curling edges
Home & Garden

How to Flatten A Rug

Try this DIY solution to flatten your rug’s curling edges. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is with this quick tip. Repairing Your Rug’s

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