Sock Caterpillar Craft for Kids that’s Easy Enough for Toddlers and Preschoolers to Make
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This is such a cute and simple Caterpillar Craft for Kids to make. Perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and kids of all ages! Using toilet or paper towel tubes and an old sock make the supplies easy to find, as well. Come on in and I’ll share how to make this Very Friendly and Adorable Sock Caterpillar Craft for Kids…

If you can’t find paper tubes, you could easily cut strips of construction paper or colorful card-stock to fit around the sock as a substitute. You could just shape them into a circle and staple it.

In no time at all…and with a little help from you, your kids will have a cute little caterpillar to love
Here are my top Amazon Picks for this Easy Caterpillar Craft for Kids, Toddlers and Preschoolers…
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Here’s What You’ll Need to Make this Caterpillar Craft for Kids…

- ankle size sock – I found a colorful pair at the Dollar Tree
- stuffing – like quilters batting
- colored paper tubes or colorful paper. I found colored tubes at Michael’s Craft Store.
- *I like the fact that I didn’t have to paint the tubes, but these were very strong and hard to cut into 1 inch wide pieces. If you use ones from around the house, you can paint them or cover them with colorful paper and easily cut them
- 2 pieces of pipe cleaner (about 3 inches long)
- wooden skewer
- google eyes
- glue or tape to seal the end of the sock
Instructions for making the Sock Caterpillar

- Kids can Stuff the sock all the way to the end

- Cut the colored tubes or paper into about 1 inch wide sections. If you are using paper, shape it into a circle that will fit over the stuffed sock and staple to secure

- Kids can easily slip about tube pieces over the sock, spreading them out so the sock shows between the tube pieces
- You can seal the end of the sock with a warm glue gun or duck tape

- Add google eyes and pipe cleaner for antenna. Secure with glue
- To help get the pipe cleaner into the sock, I used a skewer to poke holes just big enough for the pipe cleaner to fit through. Then the pipe cleaners easily poked into the sock and stayed there

That’s it! Enjoy your Caterpillar Craft…
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~ Melissa – Kid Friendly Things To Do