Over 20 Easy to Make Crafts for Kids That Welcome Spring
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Yay! It’s Spring! I’m already enjoying the wonderful sunshine streaming in through my window. It’s heaven. The birds are loving it, too. I’ve heard them sing all morning long. Today, I’m welcoming spring in by showing you some of the wonderful craft ideas for kids that are all about spring. Come and look what I’ve gathered this morning to share with you:

Aren’t these adorable crafts?

Milk Carton birdhouses by Craft Create Cook

Paper Plate Flowers by The Resourceful Mama

Rain Cloud from Easy Peasy and Fun
Adorable Rainbow Blowers…
Rainbow Blowers by Kids Craft Room

Carrots in the Garden by Non Toy Gifts

Easy Daffodil by Educents

Ladybug Suncatchers from Here Come the Girls

Ladybug bowl by I Heart Crafty Things

Plastic Spoon Crocus Flowers by Kid Friendly Things To Do

Coffee Filter Butterflies by Honey and Lime

Yarn Flower by The Resourceful Mama

Another bird craft but with paper tubes by Kid Friendly Things To Do

Windmills by The Pinterested Parent

Paper Plate Caterpillars by In the Playroom

Pom Pom Caterpillar by Easy Peasy and Fun

Plastic Water Bottle Flowers by Kid Friendly Things To Do

Coffee Filter Flowers by Fun A Day

from Creative Preschool Resources

Blue Bird Nest by Crafty Morning

Bubble Wrap Flowers by About A Mom
Aw…I just love the cheerfulness of these crafts. Happy Spring, everyone!
~Melissa – Kid Friendly Things To Do
Tried about 5 to 6 times but could never find how to make the butterflies. So disappointed; my granddaughter would have loved making these when she comes this weekend.
Oh my goodness. You’re right, the link isn’t taking me to the page. Thank you so much for letting me know. I promise, when I made the post, it did work. I check each and every idea to make sure they are going to a reliable source. Something must be wrong with the site, at the moment. I’ll do some checking around to see if I can add a different link that will get us to the right source. In the meantime, I’ll see if I can add something very, very similar to the post for you to try with your granddaughter.
I found a working link to the post you needed to see. I hope I’m not too late. I see you commented a couple of days ago. I did not see your comment until this morning. I’m so sorry about that.
They are made of colored coffee filters and pipe cleaners.