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Magic Wings In MA – Review

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Take a walk into a different world. Where, if you stand still, butterflies will perch themselves on your shoulder. Tropical trees are home to colorful birds. Large Koi swim in a pond underneath a bridge. And, as you sit in the gazebo to relax, you can look up at the twinkle lights as butterflies flutter past.

butterfly wings conservatory MA

Once you have checked in through the gift shop, head into a room filled with habitats housing tree frogs, lizards, bugs and butterflies. Next, before you set off on your butterfly adventure, read the rules. They’ll clue you in on what you are about to embark on. They ask you not to touch the trees or birds, and make sure butterflies are not hitch-hiking home with you. Once you have read through the rules, go through the doors, to the conservatory. You’ll see a few concrete paths lined with lush vegetation heading off in all directions. You’ll soon notice butterflies grabbing a siesta on flowers and trees, and as you look up you’ll see butterflies flying over head.

There are two rooms to explore, each with a few paths. There are also a few more lizard enclosures, koi, birds walking across paths, birds in cages, and birds in trees. There is a gazebo to rest in.  And, as you leave the exhibit you may even notice some other reptiles to view.

When you are through, and unless you get caught up taking Kodak moments, you’ll be hard pressed to spend an hour; check out the gift shop and the Magic Wings Food Court. Magic Wings Food Court has a casual delicatessen  feel, with several food options and ice cream for desert.
go to http://www.magicwings.com/index.php?id=132

Or visit Monarchs Restaurant. To check out the Restaurant’s lunch menu:
Go To http://www.magicwings.com/index.php?id=126

Mom’s Rating:

  • The kids had a blast. I’ve never, ever seen my 6 year old sit that still. Now, at least I know he can. He was hoping a butterfly would visit him, and he was rewarded for his efforts. What fun!
  • The staff was friendly, and abundant. They were walking around available for questions. They even took out a lizard for the kids to get a closer look.


  • No strollers allowed – bring a baby carrier!

Your Review: What did you think of the place? Please leave a comment below:

Favorite Season To Visit:
All Seasons/Great Rainy Day Activity

What To Pack:
Baby carrier-no strollers allowed in conservatory or gift shop
$$$Credit Cards are accepted
AAA card-They discount when you show them your card


  • Find the corners the butterflies are hanging around in, and stand very still. You’ll be sure to attract some butterflies.
  • Birthday parties are available.
  • MA is just a short drive from CT. It is a fun thing to do with your CT kids.

Kid’s Thoughts:
Abi’s Rating(an 8 year old’s take on the place)- #10 Awesome-A butterfly rested on my sweater:)
Michael’s Favorite part:-A butterfly was on my shoulder
Ella’s thoughts -I did not want a butterfly on me. They scared me!

Dad’s 2 Cents. What’s All of This Quality Time Going To Cost Me?:
Adults $12
Seniors 62 and up $10
Children/Students(up to 22) $8
Under 3 Free
AAA discount-Don’t forget to ask.

Is There Anything That Made This Mom Nervous:
Not with my menace strapped to me. Whew!

281 Greenfield Road
South Deerfield, MA

Summer 9-6
Fall/Winter/Spring 9-5
Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day

More Pictures To Get A Better Visual:
go to http://www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com/2011/11/butterfly-wings-a-kid-friendly-thing-to-do-pictures/

Our Experience:
We were all excited to finally get to the Butterfly Conservatory. Until my four year old told me she had no shoes in the van! Even though, after I told her they were ready, by the door, and she stated “I have some in the van, mom”.  Aaargh! Mom went into panic mode. I just drove over an hour, and there were clearly no Walmarts around. Luckily, after throwing stuff around all over the van, trying to uncover shoes, I found some old flip-flops. Good Enough! Note to self, and a lecture to kids-Always bring shoes!

Before we even entered the conservatory, the kids were all set with the bug habitats.  They were cute, but I was so anxious to see butterflies. So, after we toured the bugs, we were off.  Yes, the older kids and baby were so happy. My four year old, flipped out. It never occurred to me that she might be scared of the butterflies. She loves them, in the yard. A quick detour to the gazebo, and a long talk under the bench, she agreed to hold her sisters hand for comfort. Thank God! Did I mention, I drove over an hour?! The rest of the visit was spent finding the hot spots, and waiting for butterflies to come over, and enjoying all of the birds. Good Stuff!

More Pictures To Get A Better Visual:
go to http://www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com/2011/11/butterfly-wings-a-kid-friendly-thing-to-do-pictures/

Pictures of the Cafe are found under birthday parties:
go to http://www.magicwings.com/index.php?id=136

To Visit Magic Wings Web Site:
go to http://www.magicwings.com/index.php

KidFriendlyThingsToDo.Com – A site dedicated to giving you reviews on fun things to do with kids in CT, MA, and RI – reviewed by mom, dad and kids, and providing fun activities to do with kids!



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