Shave Santa’s Beard Christmas Game for Kids, Teens, and Family to Play – Great Minute To Win It Game
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Didn’t I just go on about how Thanksgiving gets lost in the mix between Halloween and Christmas? Guilty as charged. I’m back with another Christmas game idea for you all to think about using this holiday season. Partly because I can’t think of any good Thanksgiving games at the moment, and partly because before you know it…Christmas will be here! Come on in and take a look at how to play this super fun Shave Santa’s Beard Christmas Game for Kids, Teens, and Family to Play – Great Minute to Win It game idea. I guarantee a good laugh with this one!…
I like to think that I cover most of my bases when I am preparing to play a game with the kids. If I had a redo on this, I would definitely include goggles! Luckily nobody got shaving cream in their eyes, but can you imagine if they did?! Oopsie!
Here’s What You’ll Need for Shave Santa’s Beard Christmas Game for Kids, Teens, and Family to play (you’ll need 2 contestants or more per team for this game)
- 2 Contestants Per Team will need:
- Shaving cream or whipped cream (yum) measured out into about 1/2 cup for each barber
- Suggested – Set of Goggles!
- Towel
- Popsicle
- Chair
- Stopwatch
- Old, large Blanket to catch messes on the floor (if you use a plastic tablecloth and play with a group of people, just be careful of the shaving cream becoming slippery)
- You’ll have 2 participants per team – 1 will sit in the barber chair, 1 will be the barber
- This should be a timed game – It’s a perfect Minute to Win It game idea, so have a stopwatch handy
- Have the Santa Clause contestants sit in the chair, preferably with goggles on
- Give the barbers the shaving or whipped cream, a towel and a popsicle stick
- When you yell go!, Barbers should run to their Santa, place towel around neck and over clothes, spread their (1 cup) of shaving cream or whipped cream from ear to ear and across the upper lip (beard and mustache area)
- To make it fair, the shaving/whipped cream is premeasured and the barber needs to use it all – within reason
- Then once they have the beard spread out, they have to shave it with their popsicle stick and wipe the excess on the towels provided
- Once the timer is up, the barber that followed the rule of using all of their shaving/whipped cream and did the best job in getting all of the shaving/whipped cream off leaving a clean shaven Santa Wins!
- *If you are doing this in a large group/ classroom setting – Repeat with 2 more participants per team until everyone has had a chance to play. The team that had the most wins each time, wins!
Merry Christmas!
& Happy New Year! 
Looking for more games? Look No Further!
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