Wet Sponge Dodge Ball {A fun Summer Water Game!}
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Out of all of the Summer Water Games that I’ve seen the kids play, this one takes the prize for the most fun! It’s the perfect warm-weather outdoor game for kids, teens or adults. Come on in and I’ll share this fun water game idea…

Wet Sponge Dodgeball – An outdoor Water Game
My kids could have played this for a solid hour and never grown tired of it.
If you are looking for a hilarious indoor game to play on family game night, then check out the Spoons Card Game

They must have played 5 rounds or more of this game.

I know that anytime I’m put in charge of games for a party, this one will be the first on the list.

Here are my top Amazon Picks for this Ultimate Water Game for kids, teens, and adults
(affiliate links)
[box] MASTERTOP Scrub Sponges - 1...Shop on Amazon
HOMZ 2-Pack Utility Tub, La...Shop on Amazon [/box]
Here is what you’ll need for this fun Water Game…
Players – 4 or more
- a sponge for each participant
- 2 Buckets or bins containing water
Instructions on playing this fun water game for kids, teens, and adults…
- place a water bucket on opposite sides of the yard area that you have planned for this game
- place sponges lined up in the center of the yard

Opening Rush:
- When the game begins, players should run to grab a sponge and go fill it up with water
- Then, the game becomes just like dodge ball, only with sponges as the ball
The object of Dodge Ball:
- Eliminate all of the opposing players by hitting them with a wet sponge
- You can also eliminate a player by catching one of their sponges
*A player that is out can come back into the game if a sponge is caught by a teammate
Winning a game of Dodge Ball:
- All players from one team have been eliminated
- The timer has hit 2 minutes. The players that have the most still in the game are the winners

Have the most fun and let me know how it went!

Thanks for your ideas for summer games (Dodge Ball with Sponges, etc.) Our grandkids are coming to visit so these are good ideas.
I love that you are going to play these games with them. What great memories you’ll make! Have fun!