Guess Who? {A fun Christmas Game to Play}
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This Christmas Game is a fun game to play with the whole family that requires very little time to set up. It’s a game that will keep everyone guessing, “Who am I?”. This game is perfect for holiday parties, kid parties or family game nights. Come on in and I’ll share how to set up and play Guess Who?…

Guess Who – Christmas Game:

If you’ve ever heard of the game Hedbanz, you’ll know how to play this game. It’s just like it, but with Santa Hats and index cards.

We actually own the Disney and the Original version of Hedbanz. It’s a lot of fun to play for kids, teens, and adults.

You’d think that after owning two Hedbanz Games, my kids would remember the rules…

I really should know better, by now. My kids turn everything into a circus. It’s like they’d never heard of the concept of this game before. Luckily, I had extra game cards prepared so the second round went a little bit smoother. Next time, I’ll be sure to explain the rules, in detail before I say go. Make sure you learn by my mistake and help them understand how the game is played before you start.

Here’s a small portion of a game that my kids played to show you how to play the game…
Here are the rules, for you to explain to your kids, a little better than I did for mine.
Here’s What You’ll Need to Do to Set Up and Play the Guess Who? Christmas Game…
Supplies you’ll need:
- Santa Hats for each player (you can buy them at the Dollar Tree – each for $1)
- Double-Sided Tape
- Index Cards
- *Printable Cards can be found below with lots of ideas for you already done!Â
- Marker
- timer (a phone timer works, or you can use a sand timer)
- *Optional – Print out this sample questions paper with Ideas on how to ask a Yes or No Question for each player
What are some Ideas for Guess Who Christmas Game Characters?
Stiff Card Stock would be the best to print these on or just glue them to index cards
Movie Characters from Family Christmas Movies
Animated Characters from Classic Cartoons
Miscellaneous Christmas Symbols and Characters
Blank Cards – (now that you’ve had some inspiration!)
Setting up:
- You’ll want to write down Christmas related items, names, shows, or movies on index cards
- This isn’t necessary, but I separated them into piles with different themes – like movies in one pile, characters from movies on another, animated characters, songs, religion, animals, objects, etc…
- *you could make it more challenging by just lumping them all together
- Have double-sided tape handy for sticking the cards onto their hats
- you’ll want to sit at a table, or on the floor in a circle – as long as players can face each other
Here are the rules to Guess Who? – A Christmas Game:
(you can play as teams or individually)
- If you are doing themes, like I did, announce the theme
- Pass out cards – face down to each player
- *If you want to, you could place them all face down in a pile and just have players (when it’s their turn) draw one from the pile. The only thing with that is, they will have to affix the double-sided tape to the back of their card so it sticks to their hat.Â
- Each player, without looking at the front of their cards, should pick them up and place them on their Santa Hat
Playing the Game:
*If you are not playing in teams, players can ask everyone else who is playing to answer their questions
*If you are separating into teams, then players should ask teammates questions
- When it’s their turn, the player should set the timer for 1 minute
- They should ask the other players on their team questions to help them identify the name on their head
- The answers can only be “yes”, “no”, “could be”, or “I don’t know” answersÂ
- They can not ask “Who am I?”
- *I have included a printable with sample question in the list of instructions for you to print off for the players to use
- Here are some sample questions…They can ask – Am I a person?, Am I an object?, Am I green?, Am I in a movie title?, Am I a movie title?, Can I fit into a pocket?, Can I fly?, Do I have four legs?, Do I have fur? “Am I a…?”, “Does my movie have…?”, “Do I_in my movie?”, “Am I a Christmas symbol?, “Do I make a sound when I move?”, “Is my character animated?”, “Do I light up the sky at night?”, etc…
- Players in the one minute they have can ask each of the other players a single question
- If the minute has not run out and they have asked everyone at the table a question, they can keep going around the table and ask one more question to each player
- At any point, during their turn, they can guess who or what they have on their head, but if they are wrong, the turn is up and it goes to the next player
- If the timer runs out while still asking players, their turn is up and it goes to the next player
- The team or individual who guesses the most correctly wins!

Have fun and Merry Christmas!
~ Melissa – Kid Friendly Things To Do
Do you have a list of Christmas Guess Who’s that you used for your game?
You know…I don’t think I have one handy, but you’ve given me a great idea! I will make printables with Christmas Guess Who’s and I’ll add some blank ones for you to fill in. Check back within a day. I should have them ready to print off. 🙂
Guess What? It’s done! I have a few categories to choose from or print them all! You’ll see links above to printables with loads of ideas and inspiration. (I’m sure they’ll start sparking your own ideas – for that I added blank cards). Enjoy!