6 Valentine Minute To Win It Games for Class Parties
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A super fun Valentine’s Day Minute to Win It Party is planned for the classroom. I can’t wait to see the kids face off in these games. I have six planned and ready to go, and I’ve tested them all out with my kids.

These games from very easy to difficult. I’ll let you know which is which and give you suggestions on how to make them more challenging for bigger kids.
Watch our Video on Playing these fun Valentine’s Day Games
Game 1 Heart Stack

*This game is on the difficult side. Perfect for older kids.
- I will have bowls set up with 10 candy hearts inside of them
- They will have to stack the hearts from their bowl on a table in under 1 minute. The team with the most stacked up at the end wins!
Game 2 Fill It with Love…

*Another challenging game for older kids or kids with chopstick experience.
- We are filling a bowl with love! (hearts)
- 20 hearts will be next to a bowl, and 2 small craft sticks
- The kids will use the craft sticks as chopsticks to fill the bowl with as many hearts as they can in 1 minute!
Game 3 Heart Shake Down…

*Easy – perfect for younger and older kids. This game is typically finished within 30 seconds. Add more candy to the bottle to make it last longer.
- The heart shakedown!
- 2 sets of 2 water bottles taped together with 80 hearts inside – USE DUCT TAPE! Masking tape does not hold well. I learned this the hard way. Get the strong stuff for this shaking game.
- I didn’t have enough hearts to let the kids all go at once, so this will be a relay
- The kids will line up and shake the hearts down (it took me about 20 seconds) the opposite side of the bottle
- Then they will hand it off to the next person in line to do the same
- The team that gets to the end of the line and shakes all the hearts down in under a minute (or comes closest) wins!
Game 4 Heart Stand Up

*Easy – Add double the candy amount to make it more challenging
- Stand 20 hearts up that are spread out on plates in under 1 minute – and they have to stay up
Game 5 Stacked Hearts Relay

*Medium challenge level – Challenging, but not too frustrating. Perfect for older and younger kids alike
- Another relay, but I will provide enough sticks for everyone in the group, and replace them between rounds – you’ll see why!
- Each kid gets the set up in the picture – a stick with 3 hearts
- The kids have to stand up with large craft sticks in their mouths (now you see why they get their own individual stick with hearts!), stack 3 hearts and walk to a given point and back
- They have to tag the next person who should be ready with their stack of hearts to go next!
- The team that finishes first wins
- Everyone has to finish in under 1 minute!
Game 6 Let’s Go Steady

*Easy – perfect for all ages
- Another relay
- The kids will hold a large craft stick out in front of them with 3 hearts balanced in the middle
- They will walk to a given point and back to the start, so the next person can go!
More Valentine’s Day Party Games You’ll Love
We love Minute-To-Win-It Games. Here’s a video showing some of our favorites that you can find on our site. Just search Minute to Win It to find them.