A Time Management Hack for Holiday Cooking
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Try this time management hack for your next holiday meal. It will help you keep on track with everything cooked on time.

Time Management Hack for Holiday Meals
Here’s a little something I did to keep me on schedule while I was multitasking: Thanksgiving Dinner, mom stuff, guests, and all that comes along with a fun holiday dinner.
Supplies Needed
Post-It Notes
Here’s How I Used Post-It Notes to Keep the Holiday Meal on Track
I put little post-it notes on dishes, telling the temperature, when it should go into the oven, and for how long. This was a lot easier than referring back to my recipe book. It helped me keep it together and keep the food warm and on time.

More Time Saving Techniques for the Holiday Meal
Lists – Make a list of what you plan on serving including mains, sides, desserts, and appetizers. If it looks like you are overdoing it, cross some out. Remember, your guests will appreciate the traditional foods, so toss those fancy recipes aside and keep it simple
Prep—Can you make the entire dish or part of a dish ahead of time? For example, when I make my taco dip, I like to mix the base the day before. Then, an hour before everyone is scheduled to arrive, I pull it out of the fridge, place it in a serving tray, and add the toppings. It really helps cut down on the time needed the day of the holiday meal. Pie crusts and sometimes the whole pie like Pumpkin Pie can be made a day in advance and stored in the fridge.
More Prepping – Cut onions, celery, green peppers, etc… Place them in baggies ready to go into your recipe when needed
Clean as You Go – Usually after holiday prepping the kitchen looks like a bomb has gone off. Try to enlist someone to wash your mixing bowls and utensils in between recipes. When you know you are done with the flour, back to the pantry it goes.
Get Help – Can the kids set the table? They usually love being involved in getting ready for guests to come. It never hurts to ask.
~Melissa – KidFriendlyThingsToDo.com