Pool Noodle Ring Toss {With Pool Tubes!}
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If you are looking for a fun and easy backyard game this summer, then this Pool Noodle Ring Toss might be the one. Ready in minutes and fun for all ages. This game is complicated enough for adults and teens, yet easy for kids. Perfect for pool parties and summer fun with the family!
Pool Noodle Ring Toss Game
This game proved really challenging. The pool rings are lightweight and can shift with the wind. You’ll have to be ready to change your strategy according to weather conditions and hope for a little luck to ring your target.
Another factor is the distance players are away from the pool noodles. The closer you are, the more true your aim will be.
We settled on a distance of around six to eight feet away from the pool noodles. That seemed to give the players the best chance at a ringer.
Tips and Tricks for playing this Ring Toss Summer Game
- Use a round piece of wood to keep the pool noodle upright. We actually used a wooden rod from a croquet set, but a wooden dowel or whatever you can find that will fit inside the center of the noodle and help it anchor to the ground will work
- We found that distance plays a big factor in the ability to ring the target. The boys settled on around 6-8 ft. away for the best chance at ringing the target
- Wind will play a major role in this game. The pool tubes are about as lightweight as a frisbee, so think of that as you are setting up distance
- The way you toss the tubes are also strategic. Practice a few different ways until you get the right toss down for you
If you are looking for fun summer games, then check out my other posts, like…
Are you ready to play this fun Pool Noodle Game? Let’s make sure you have everything that you’ll need…
Supplies Needed for the Game:
- 1 or more pool noodles – cut in half – the amount will vary depending on which version of play you choose.
- wooden dowels – the length of the pool noodle cut in half (or something that will fit inside the noodle to secure it to the ground)
- pool tubes – 3 or more
Playing Ring Toss:
This game can be played in several ways
Version 1 – (you’ll only need 3 pool tubes for this one)
- Set 2 pool noodle targets up about 6 ft. away from each other
- 2 or Players should stand at opposite targets
- Players should take turns tossing the pool tubes at the target nearest the opposing team or player – trying to ring the pool noodle
Version 2 – (this way might be easier for younger kids) – 3 pool tubes would be fine for this version
- Set several pool noodle targets up within a couple of feet of each other – You could do a row of 3 in back and 3 in front, a circle of targets, an X shape, or randomly spaced apart
- Each target should be worth a different amount of points – targets closest to players could be worth 1 point, while the one furthest away could be 3 points and so on…
- In this way, all players would line up behind a designated area and throw the pool tube toward the direction of the targets – hoping to ring the ones worth the most points
Version 3 – (this one requires 2 sets of pool tubes – one for each team)
- Place the Pool Noodle targets a few feet apart, but next to each other
- Teams can line up at the same time with pool tubes and fire away at their targets – trying to ring their pool noodle
Scoring at Ring Toss:
- The object is to get to 21, but you can change this number to modify it for your purposes
- Ringing the target is 2 points
- A ring that is leaning against the target is worth 1 point
- The first team to 21 (or your specified point goal) wins!