Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest a Fun Outdoor Summer Picnic Game for Kids of All Ages
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Try this classic game at your next summer picnic. A Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest is old fashioned fun for kids of all ages. Great Picnic Game for kids of all ages! Come on in and I’ll share how we created this fun game for the kids to play…

We played this fun game a couple of times. The first time we set out a light colored sheet to spit the seeds onto. I wasn’t really in love with that method of keeping track of seeds. So, we decided to make the game a little more fun and competitive by using sidewalk chalk markers.

We made a START position and several fun summer drawings that we labeled and assigned points to.

We used a measuring tape to mark how each foot on the side of the sidewalk. You can see our blue numbers going up the left side of the sidewalk on the previous photo.

Using chalk not only made scoring easier, it was fun to do!

Finally, we were ready to play the game and play we did. It was a ton of fun and the bonus…kids ate some healthy watermelon while they played this game. All of the kids enjoyed the game so much. My oldest daughter even said, “Mom, when I finally meet someone special, he better like doing fun family games like this.” I totally agree!
Here’s What You’ll Need for your Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest Picnic Game for Kids To Play…
- Sidewalk chalk and a surface to draw on
- Measuring tape
- Seeded watermelon – you can cut a large seeded watermelon into 8 large pieces
- 2 or more players
Here are my top Amazon Picks for this Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest…
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The Original Gorilla Grip O...Shop on Amazon
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Here’s How You Might Want to Set up for this Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest Picnic Game for Kids to Play…
- Get your sidewalk, driveway, or patio ready by drawing a START line
- Draw several large shapes and label them with numbers. Add fun summer drawings
- Starting with the shape closest to START – add words like,Meh, So-So, OK, Good Job, Even Better, Awesome, Super Star
- Use the measuring tape to label each foot going up the side, so kids, teens, and adults can see how far they were able to spit their seeds

Playing the Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest…
- Have players line up with their watermelon piece
- Yell Go, blow a whistle, whatever you want to do to signal the start of the game
- Have someone judging, so they can validate where the players says the seed landed
- *The judge can even mark the seeds with chalk by placing the player’s initials near them
- Each player gets 3 tries to spit seeds as far as they can down the Watermelon Seed Spitting Section
- If time allows, they can then go the back of the line for a second turn or more
- As soon as everyone has had an equal amount of turns and you are ready to end the game
- See who’s seed went the farthest
- That’s the winner!

Happy Summer Everyone!
Looking for more Summer Outdoor Games for Kids to Play with the family? Check out these fun games, below…

Bucket Guard – This is a fun Water Balloon Game for teams to play against each other

Firefighter Relay Race – a fun twist on a very slippery slip-n-slide!

Water Balloon Hunt – Like Easter Egg Hunts with a fun ending!
~Melissa – Kid Friendly Things To Do