37 of the Best Thanksgiving Games for the Whole Family
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These Thanksgiving Day Game Ideas will keep you active while you wait for the Thanksgiving meal. They are so much fun and really easy to set up. Enjoy and appreciate some fun time together on Thanksgiving Day.

Best Thanksgiving Games
Our family loves to play holiday games. When playing Thanksgiving Games, our checklist is that it has to be fun and fun for all ages like this post on Hilarious Thanksgiving Minute to Win It Games
Do you ever feel like between Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving gets lost in the mix? Black Friday doesn’t even wait until Thanksgiving is over anymore. It’s too bad because it’s such an important holiday and a fun day to create memories with family and the food is fantastic!
Speaking of Thanksgiving food, you can play these games while you want on all of that delicious juicy turkey, and classic stuffing, or while you are waiting for that delicious dessert to be served up.

Candy Corn Ring Toss
Have fun ringing these traffic cones turned into candy corn. Easy to set up and so much fun to play. Using glow necklaces and glow-in-the-dark paint turns this game into a fun nighttime game to play.
Found on Kid Friendly Things To Do

Stuff the Turkey Game
Stuff the Turkey with paper stuffing that resembles bread, onions, and celery. This is so much fun to play and only takes minutes to set up.
Find on Kid Friendly Things To Do

Pumpkin Sweep
This game is so much fun to play. Race across the yard with brooms and pumpkins for this fun game!
Find the tutorial on Kid Friendly Things To Do

Shake Your Tailfeathers
This post has 12 Super-looking Thanksgiving Minute Win It Games to play with family and friends on Thanksgiving
found on Play, Party, Plan

Pumpkin Tic Tac Toe. What a fun idea. You could just set this game out on a card table inviting people to play as they wait on the yummy food.
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Poop the Potato
This game is hilarious and it is perfect for a Thanksgiving Game or Christmas Game to play! Clench the potato and release it into the bucket. I think all ages would enjoy this game, but this is really a fun Adult Thanksgiving Game to Play
Find the tutorial at Daily Mail
Turkey Balloon Race
Race the turkey balloons to the finish line at the end of the strings.
Get the Tutorial from Preschool Play and Learn
Chase the Turkey Game
A fun game of tag using turkey cut-outs. The winner gets a prize for winning this fun Thanksgiving
Get the Tutorial on Get Your Holiday On

Thanksgiving Baster Relay
Use turkey basters to blow feathers across the table in this fun Thanksgiving game!
found on The Inspired Treehouse

Thanksgiving Pictionary
Everyone loves a fun dictionary game to play at any holiday!
found on Somewhat Simple

Pumpkin Bowling
This is such a great idea! Set up a fun bowling station in your backyard and pray for great weather so you can have tons of fun bowling in the backyard on Thanksgiving
found on The Polo House

Turkey Tag
The kids will be running around the yard like little turkeys in this fun game of turkey tag.
found on Teach Beside Me

Turkey Bowling
Another Thanksgiving Bowling game. This one you can play indoors as you knock down turkeys.
find on The Seasoned Mom

Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt
Split off and hunt around the neighborhood for everything on the list for this fun scavenger hunt.
find on The Taylor House

Candy Corn Guessing Game
Oh wow. Test your guessing ability with this old-fashioned classic Thanksgiving Game
find on BH&G

Shooting Turkeys Game
This game would be so much fun to play. Imagine balloons bopping every which way as you try to aim and shoot the turkey targets.
find on A Girl and a Glue Gun

A Family Scavenger Hunt
Another scavenger hunt, but this time you are searching for printable turkeys all over the yard!
find on The Dating Divas

Minute to Win It with a Fall Theme
We love Minute to Win It Games. They are hilarious and so competitive!
find on Play, Party, Plan

Balance the Pumpkin Walk
Balancing a little pumpkin on your head is harder than it looks. This is such a fun and challenging Thanksgiving game for all ages.
find on Pen + Paper Flowers
Pumpkin Relay Races
Find a few great ideas on how to make a relay race with pumpkins
Get the instructions on The Inspired Treehouse
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Candy Corn Stacking Game
Try to make your stacked candy corn look like an ear of corn. How fun!
Find the instructions on One Ash Homestead
Candy Corn Relay Race
Have a rip-roaring relay race with candy corn in the fun fall game to play
Find instructions on Inspired Treehouse
Pick a Pumpkin
Kids get a chance to pick a pumpkin and hope it’s the one with the big prize inside!
Find this fun game on Carnival Savers
Apple Toss
A good old-fashioned Apple Toss Game. This is a great fall or Thanksgiving indoor game or outdoor game to play
Find the instructions on Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

Wrap the Turkey Leg
Part of our Minute to Win It Thanksgiving Games to play. Wrap the turkey leg is fun and hilarious!
Find it at Kid Friendly Things To Do
Pin the Beak on the Turkey
Instead of pinning the feather on the turkey – it’s pinning the beak. What a fun idea for a kid-friendly Thanksgiving game
Find it here on Great Wolf
Pumpkin Bean Bag Toss
Kids toss leaf-shaped bean bags into pumpkins worth different point values. So fun!
Find this game on Positively Splendid
Pumpkin Gourd Bowling
It’s such a clever idea to use gourds for bowling pins for this fall game to play.
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Pumpkin Ring Toss
This is so fun. Use hula hoops to toss pumpkins.
Find the instructions on Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers
Pumpkin Walk
If you’re lucky, you’ll stop on the right pumpkin and win the prize with this fun fall game to play
Find it on Carnival Savers
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Pumpkin Mini Golf
So fun. Make mini golf stations out of artificial grass and fall props.
Find out how on The Hallmark Channel
Lollipop Pull
If you are lucky enough, you’ll pull a lollipop with a mark and win the prize in this fun fall game!
Find more on One Hip Mom
Apple Toss
Toss fake pumpkins into buckets for prizes. Such a fun fall game idea
Find the instructions on Carnival Savers
Lollipop Pumpkin Pull
How fun! Pull lollipops out of the pumpkin for a chance to win a prize. If your lollipop is marked, you win!
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Scarecrow Toss
Draw a scarecrow and cut a hole to make this bean bag toss.
Find out more on UCI Edu
Build a Scarecrow Race
This looks like so much fun! Have a build a build-a-scarecrow race for a fun fall or Thanksgiving game idea
Find out more on My Little Happies
More Thanksgiving Games You’ll Enjoy
Don’t they look like fun? I hope you found one or more than one for your Thanksgiving with friends and family this year.
Happy Thanksgiving!
~Melissa – Kid Friendly Things To Do
Thank you for all the great ideas! This will be so with all the older kids for sure 🙂