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Over 35 Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids

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Today, I’ve gathered up some of the most adorable and fun Halloween crafts and games for kids. No doubt, many parents and teachers will be planning some rip-roaring fun parties very soon. Come on in and check out all of the great ideas for your Halloween Parties and Celebrations – Over 35 Halloween Crafts and Games for Kid’s Party Fun :

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Halloween Crafts and Game Ideas

The key to a good kid’s party is keeping it simple and easy for both the adults and the kids! I love these ideas because they are simple and fun for everyone. 

Halloween Crafts for Kids

Bat Crafts

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Egg carton bat craft – from Twitchetts

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Paper Bag Bat Craft – from I Heart Crafty Things

Owl Craft

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Halloween Owl Pinecone Craft – from Running with Sisters

Pumpkin Crafts

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Pumpkin Treat Bags – from One Little Project

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Paper Pumpkin Craft – from Meaningful Mama

Ghost Crafts

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Coffee Filter Hanging ghosts Crafts – from Kid’s Play Box

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Spirit Jugs

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Cotton Ball Halloween Ghost Craft – from Thriving Home

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Popsicle Stick Ghost Windows Craft from the Pinterested Parent  

Spider Crafts

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

A spider pipe cleaner craft. Unfortunately, the link no longer works for this tutorial.

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Popsicle Stick Spider Craft – from the The Girl’s Life Blog

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Pom Pom Spider Craft from Bug and Buddy

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Lacing Spider Webs Craft – from Mom Endeavors

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Egg Carton Spiders

Mummy Crafts

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Toilet Paper Roll Mummy Craft from Glue Sticks and Gumdrops

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Masking Tape Mummy Craft – from No Time for Flashcards


Witch Crafts

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Floating Witch Hats – From the Polka Dot Chair

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Witch Broom Glowstick Craft and Halloween Gifts from One Little Project

Halloween Monsters and Characters Crafts

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Cute Halloween Bags – from About a Mom

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Popsicle stick Halloween characters craft – from Life Beyond Laundry

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Halloween Wine Glass Candle Holders (Find plastic ones) – The Keeper of the Cheerios

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

No source, but how cute is this?!

Halloween Games for Kids to Play

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Pumpkin Golf Game for Fall or Halloween – from Eighteen 25

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Spider Races Halloween Game – from Still Playing School

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Unwrap the Mummy Game

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Poke a Pumpkin Fall Game and Halloween Game – from Project Denneler

Spider Race Game

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Monster Knock Down easy Halloween Game – from Red Ted Art

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Spide Web Halloween Game for Preschoolers and kids from No Time for Flashcards

glow in the dark pumpkin ring toss game

Glow in the Dark Pumpkin Ring Toss Fall Game

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Pin the Spider on the Web Halloween game for Kids – from Ella and Claire

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Sweep the pumpkin into the witch’s mouth. There is no Image source for this fun, kid-friendly Halloween Game, but it looks like the witches are made from cardboard boxes. The tongue is a flap cut out of the cardboard box. Colorful craft paper rolls are used to cover the boxes. A nose and eyes are drawn onto the boxes.

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Halloween Bingo Game Printable from One Creative Mommy

30 + Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids. Great ideas for parties and celebrations - www.kidfriendlythingstodo.com

DIY Candy Pinata

Halloween Witch Hat Ring Toss Game

No image source. The cones are really those orange traffic cones. You can get them in most big department stores, in the sporting goods sections. 

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    1. This is a great list, Melissa! I love the witch hat ring toss! Thank you for featuring my Fall Popsicle Stick Craft! It made my day!

      Caroline @ Life Beyond Laundry

      1. I’m glad you are happy with it! You craft is adorable and was a no-brainer for the round up. I love the blog name. Is there ever life beyond laundry?!

    2. How do you attach the pipe cleaners to the pompoms on the beaded spider? The directions link didn’t work. I’d love to see the underside of the spider to see how to attach.

      1. Thank you for letting me know the link no longer works. I found a tutorial that I think is similar that you can check out. The instructions from messy little monster suggests that you cut 2 pipe cleaners in half. I think that will work, but just to be sure check it out with full length pipe cleaners first. As far as glue goes – Personally, I love Fabri-Tac glue or Beacon 3 in 1 glue. It will bind the pom-poms to the pipe cleaner almost instantly like a hot glue would, but you don’t have to worry about the mess of using hot glue. Here is the link https://www.messylittlemonster.com/2023/09/pipe-cleaner-spider-craft.html

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