DIY Card Holder For Toddlers
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Sometimes those little hands just can’t grasp a set of cards. Use this idea to make a cardholder for your little ones, and they can participate in a game without frustration. It’s easy. I’ll tell you what I did to make this simple cardholder for my kids:

DIY Card Holder for Kids
Are you looking for fun ideas for toddlers? Try some of my other posts…
Here’s What You’ll Need for this Card Holder:
- A sturdy piece of poster board, a foam sheet, or a piece of cardboard
- A bag clip – the wider the better
- Trim your poster board or whatever sturdy material you’ve got handy to about 6″x8″
- Fold the board so about 2″ is folded over – it will now be about 4″x8″
- Clip the folded part with a bag clip!
- You’re Done
- Insert cards so the shortest part faces your child 🙂
~Melissa – – fun foods, party ideas, crafts, recipes, and fun things to do with your family!