Top Minute to Win It Games for Christmas
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I wanted to share these fun Kid Friendly Minute to Win It Christmas Games that are perfect for your holiday party. Easy to set up and play. Perfect for all ages, kids, teenagers, and adults.

Christmas Minute to Win It Games
Here’s a quick video to show you how we played these Fun Christmas Minute To Win It Games…
First up in these Holiday Minute to Win It Games…

Snowball Fight
Players try to gather the most snowballs
(1 or more players per team)

Supplies needed…
- Cotton balls – about 4 bags
- 1 large container
- 2 wooden spoons (or 1 per team)
- see through wire buckets, bowl or a large glass measuring bowl per team
Setting up…
- Dump all of the cotton balls into your large container and add wooden spoons
- When you are ready, players will need to scoop up as many cotton balls as they can and run to fill their teams container
- *if you want to add more players, you can easily turn this into a relay race
- Players should continue running back and forth, depositing the cotton balls until 1 minute is up
- The team with the most cotton balls (snow balls) wins this round!

North Pole Pop!
(1 player per team)
This is hilarious, as the balloons are almost impossible to pop with mittens on!

Here’s what you’ll need for this fun Minute to Win It Christmas Game…
- Inflated Balloon for each player
- Pair of mittens for each player
Setting up…
- There’s not a whole lot to do here. Just make sure you have plenty of balloons and mittens for players
- When you’re ready, players should put their mittens on and grab a balloon
- They should try to pop it their mitten covered hands in under 1 minute
- The first person to pop their balloon – without cheating – wins for their team!
- *It’s harder than it looks
Next up…

Jingle Bell Shake
(1 player per team)
Here’s what you’ll need for this fun Christmas Minute to Win It Game…
- 5 boxes
- 15 jingle bells
Setting up…

- you’ll need to place different numbers of jingle bells in each box – 1 with 5, another with 4, another with 3, another with 2 and finally a box with 1 bell
- Seal the boxes so the bells don’t fall out
- Don’t forget to write how many bells are inside each box – on the bottom where players can’t see it
- players will need to sort the boxes 1 bell through 5 bells by shaking them to listen in under 1 minute
- you can check to see if they are right by peeking on the bottom of the boxes
- The team who did the best job of sorting, or who sorts them correctly the fastest – wins
- *This would be a great game on it’s own. You could have each person take a stab at sorting the bells and see who the winner is
Next up…

Rudolph Wrap
(2 players per team)
Here’s what you’ll need for this Christmas Minute to Win It Game…
- 20 ft. of brown burlap roll or a large roll of brown streamers – I originally set out to find the streamer roll, but couldn’t find brown. Luckily, burlap is in style and I found it easily
- Clown nose
- Rudolph antler headband
Setting up…
- just have the supplies ready to go

In under 1 minute
- players will have to use all of their streamer or burlap up by wrapping their teammate
- they will have to finish off by adding the clown nose and the headband to make a Rudolph! – all in under 1 minute
- The team who gets it done the fastest, wins

Suck it Up!
(1 player per team)
Here’s what you’ll need to get for this game…
- M&Ms – 6 per player
- paper plates – 2 per player
- straw
Setting up…
- the challenge level of this game depends on how far you set the plates apart
- *we started with a plate on each end of the table – about 10 ft. apart and quickly realized how hard that was. For my 8 year old, we pushed them to about 2 feet apart
- Place the candy in one plate and a straw nearby
- Place the other plate wherever you think would be a good distance for your age of players
- Players will need to suck the candy up with the straw, maintain the suction and deposit the candy onto the empty plate
- Keep going until you’ve got them all transferred – in under 1 minute
- *the team with the most transferred M&Ms wins this round
Next up…

Defy Gravity
(1 player per team)
Here’s what you’ll need for this fun party game…
- inflated balloons
Setting up…
- just have the balloons ready
- Players will have to keep 1 balloon up in the air with the same hand for 1 minute
- *the original minute to win it defy gravity game asks players to keep 3 balloons in the air for 1 minute. That’s really hard to do and super frustrating for kids. You can really make up your own level of challenge by adding more balloons
Next up…
Bell Bottoms

(1 player per team)
Here’s what you’ll need for this fun Christmas Minute to Win it Game…
- 1 set of panty hose
- 2 jingle bells

Setting up
- place a jingle bell in the bottom of each panty hose foot
In less than one minute,

Here’s what we discovered about the game…
- It’s really challenging to do it exactly as the rules state – perfect for adults, but it got a little frustrating for the younger kids when it came time to pull the hose off
How we modified it to make it a little more kid friendly…
- I helped them by putting the end of the pantyhose on their arms, so they were ready to go when the timer went
- Then…they had to use their fingers to do the work of inching down to the bottom of the panty hose – no cheating there – It’s totally possible for them to do
- The really hard part was pulling the hose off without the help of your arms, so they got to use their arms to pull the pantyhose off
- The adults and older kids can do it without the help of their other arm. They will look hilarious trying!
Here are the rules for the true game without modifications…
- players should reach in with both hands – 1 in each leg –Â and try to remove the jingle bells in under 1 minute
- *players are not allowed to use one hand to help the other. Each hand and arm has to work on it’s own, wiggling down to the end of the hose
Next up…

Choosing Cups
(1 player per team)
Here’s what you’ll need for this Christmas game to play…
- 25 cups
- 5 stickers
- water or beverage of choice
Setting up…
- place stickers on the bottom of 5 out of the 25 cups and set them down on the table
- pour a small amount of liquid into the plastic cups – just a smidgen
Here’s what we discovered about this game…
- If the kids or adults don’t find the sticker cups quickly, then they will want to hurl. Forcing even a smidgen of your favorite drink down from several cups in under 1 minute makes anyone want to gag! Kind of funny, but kind of gross if they actually get sick.
- If you play it with liquid in the cup, only put a little bit and hopefully they will find the five cups with stickers right away.
How you can modify this game…
- Don’t put any liquid in the cup
- The kids will still have to pick the cup up – 1 at a time – you have to be clear on that (trust me, they will try to double up) and find the 5 cups with stickers at the bottom
Here are the rules to the game without any changes…In under 1 minute,
- players should drink the beverage out of the cups and then look on the bottom to see if it has a sticker
- when they find one with a sticker, they should set it aside
- as soon as they find the 5 cups with stickers on the bottom they are done

*alternative to drinking the beverage, they can just lift them up to look on the bottom
If you need more ideas for more fun Minute to Win It Games, check out the links below…
More Awesome Minute to Win It Games for the Whole Family
There are lots more Minute To Win It Games on the site. Here’s a look at some of our favorites… (links to these games are below)