How to Flatten A Rug
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Try this DIY solution to flatten your rug’s curling edges. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is with this quick tip.

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Repairing Your Rug’s Curling Edges – A DIY Hack
I love DIY hacks that make life easier. If you love hacks like I do then you will love my posts on Roadtrip hacks with the kids, Camping hacks, and Summer Hacks for Parents
Whether you are dealing with a rug that is curling from the edges being turned up by chairs or foot traffic, wrinkles in the rug, or creases in the fibers of the rug, this tip should help you tame the rug and flatten it out again.
Years ago, a corner of my dining room area rug decided to curl up and stay that way. Not only did it look bad; I was nervous someone would trip over the rug, and whack their head right on the table. I even tried duct tape to keep the corner, but it was determined to stick up. Tutorials I found on taming the curling edges of rugs were about smaller, lighter-weight rugs. Finally, with no alternative, I marched myself right into the hardware store to buy the biggest, baddest rug glue I could find. It was time to fix my rug. But…my plan changed when a nice man from the hardware store saw me looking for something and gave me a DIY tip.
Recently, another area rug started curling up because the wheels of my son’s desk chair kept pushing it over as he rolled back. It was unsightly and a hazard. So, I got out my handy method of flattening a rug, and again, it worked like a charm.
What You’ll love about this Trick on Flattening an Area Rug
- There is little to no cost
- It is easy to do and requires very little active time
- If you have a new rug, this trick will work on that, too.
- This tip works for rugs on carpet or on wood floors
Supplies You’ll Need
- Water – I used a couple of water bottles full of water. Moisture is what professionals use to remove wrinkles from a rug. They don’t use a water bottle; they use a steamer to apply steam, but we are using something easy that most people already have at home.
- Heavy objects for weight – I have used heavy platters, furniture cubes, and kettle balls. It doesn’t matter what you use as long as it will apply weight to the edges as they are drying out.
- Towels to soak up excess water – I did not use a towel the first time I fixed an area rug. That was a rug over the carpet. This time, however, I thought the hardwood might get damaged from too much water, so I chose to use a towel for absorption.
- Optional: Rug Grip for keeping the rug flat
Instructions on flattening a rug
- Pour enough water on the curling areas of the rug…enough to soak it. That should weigh it down enough for the next step.

- Lay a thin, flat towel between the rug and the floor beneath it to soak up excess water.

- Use heavy objects to weigh the rug down and keep it flat as it dries

- Wait until the rug has dried. This will take at least a day to dry out
- Remove the heavy objects

- If some of the rug is still creased, then add more water to that section and place the weight on it to flatten that portion of the rug out.
Expert Tip
- I tried to use a spray bottle at first but got impatient with the time it took to douse the rug. I eventually ditched the spray bottle and poured water onto the edging of the rug to give it a good soak
- If the carpet or floor underneath the rug is a bit wet, prop the area rug up to allow air to circulate and let the carpet or flooring dry out.
- Once the rug is flattened out, then consider adding a strip of Rug Gripper to the bottom of my area rug and press it down to adhere the two rugs or rug and floor together. Note: If it is a wooden floor, be sure the rug grip is safe for your floor surface
Preventing the Rug from Curling Again
Try using a rug pad to keep the rug in place and add comfort
After you have it flatted again, use a rug grip to keep the rug flat and hold it in place
Other Methods for Flattening a Curled Rug
I have not tried these methods, so I can not attest to their ability to flatten a rug, but if your rug still won’t lay flat, try some of these ideas
Reverse Rolling
If you have full access to the rug and can pick it up, try turning the rug over and curling it in the opposite direction. This is called reverse rolling. Let it sit like that for a day or two and see if that works
Use Heat
Take the rug out to the sun on a warm day where the temperature is about 80 degrees Fahrenheit and let the sunlight take out any creases
Iron out the creases by placing a towel over the rug, set the iron on a low heat setting as to not burn the carpet fibers and iron out the creases.
Finally, use a hairdryer to apply heat to the rug. Apply heat in a sweeping motion with a hair dryer. Be careful not to get the hair dryer too close to the rug so it does not burn rug fibers, melt any glue on the rug bottom, or damage your hard flooring
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~ Melissa – Kid Friendly Things To Do .com