Toilet Paper Version of the Saran Wrap Ball Game
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This Toilet Paper Version of the Saran Wrap Ball Game is such a simple and fun game to put together as a family Christmas Game or a Group Christmas Party Game. It’s perfect for kids, teens, and adults.

Toilet Paper Version of the Saran Wrap Ball Game
I have the Classic Saran Wrap Ball Game on the site, but I’ve noticed some comments on Pinterest about disliking the use of so much plastic for a game. Even though I am keeping the original Saran Wrap version up, I thought I’d give you another option. This snowman toilet paper ball is a fun way to use alternative material for the classic Saran Wrap Ball Game.
If you are looking for an easy party game for the coming holiday, this might be the one.
Do you need more ideas for Christmas Party Games? Check out these posts below…
Unscramble the letters to spell the reindeer names – free printable and instructions, here
Guess the Christmas Smell – A sensory game
Minute to Win It Games for Christmas and Winter
What I love about the Toilet Paper “Saran Wrap” Ball
- the perforated toilet paper makes this game challenging enough without having to use tape or string – when people try to unwrap it too quickly there perforation rips and slows them down a bit
- toilet paper is easy to form into a fun ball and decorate for Christmas
- the white color makes this game more fun because you can transform the outer ball into a fun snowman
- just a few rolls of toilet paper is all you need to make a group size ball – add more for a larger group
Tips and tricks for a classroom Christmas or Winter party…
Kids can pass the snowman around, and unwrap him one by one. Every time they find a prize, inside they pass it on to the next child. They will be so excited with anticipation. Who knows what will be revealed next? A piece of candy, a pencil, or a silly novelty toy.
Ideas for making this Toilet Paper (Saran Wrap) Ball Game more challenging for older kids, teens, and family parties
- while you are making the ball, instead of a continuous uniformed wrap – turn directions with the toilet paper. When players unwrap the ball, this will make it a little more difficult
- add a few extra layers of toilet paper at the end of wrapping to make the first person have to hunt for their prize
- wrap the toilet paper all the way around the ball before adding another prize – make them work for their reward
- every so often, break the toilet paper apart and tape it down in some places
- use oven mitts to play the game – oven mitts make it hard to grab onto the paper pieces
- add gross jelly beans (beanboozled flavors). When someone unwraps the jelly bean, they have to try it
- add challenge cards in the ball – details about challenge cards are below

Challenge Cards – Ideas for this Unwrap the Ball Christmas Game…
Just like UNO cards – challenge cards stop the play and require and action.
Cut index cards in half and write a challenge on them.
Place the challenge cards periodically throughout your ball.
As the ball is unwrapped, if the player sees a challenge card they have to follow the instruction.
Here are some fun and challenging ideas for your challenge cards
- lose a turn – the player has to pass the ball to the left (the person with the dice would also pass to their left)
- use only one hand to unwrap the ball
- skip 2 players
- unwrap the ball with your eyes closed
- put on the oven mitts to unwrap the ball (player rolling dice should pause until play can resume)
- give one of your prizes to the player on your right
- use spoons to unwrap the ball
- congrats! Exchange a prize with anyone at the table
- stand up and hop on one foot while unwrapping the ball
- the person with the dice has to roll until the dice add up to (10, 7, or 8) *feel free to mix the numbers up to whatever you fancy
What prizes do you put in a (Toilet Paper) Saran Wrap Ball Game?
(here are some ideas)
- coins
- candy
- Christmas erasers
- gag gifts – like, gross jelly bean flavors, fake reindeer poop, or chatter teeth
- fuzzy socks
- candy canes
- memo pads
- gift cards
- paper money
- small plush toys
- Christmas soaps
- small Christmas lotions
- another fun idea is to put jingle bells inside the inner roll of toilet paper’s tube
Here are my top Amazon Picks for fun prizes…
(affiliate links)
LanMa 30PC Christmas Eraser...Shop on Amazon
Bag of Reindeer Farts Cotto...Shop on Amazon
OMGJS 12Pcs Christmas Mini ...Shop on Amazon
WaySoft Womens Fuzzy Socks ...Shop on Amazon
Christmas Pencils with Eras...Shop on Amazon
Christmas Candy Handmade So...Shop on Amazon
36 Sheets Christmas Party G...Shop on Amazon
16 PCS Christmas Holiday Gl...Shop on Amazon
Holiday-Themed Lollipops (1...Shop on Amazon
Santa Claus Go Fish – A F...Shop on Amazon
QINGQIU 24 PCS Christmas Mo...Shop on Amazon

Are you ready to play this fun Christmas Game? Let’s make sure you have everything you’ll need.
Here’s What You’ll Need for this Unwrap the Ball Christmas Game:
Supplies Needed…
- 3 or more rolls of strong toilet paper
- clear tape
- novelty toys, cash for prizes, and/or candy
- 2 dice
- *optional – oven mitts, and challenge cards (explained above) to make the game more challenging
Optional for decorating:
- Top hat – or – winter cap
- black Pom-Poms – medium in size or black craft foam circle cutouts
- orange craft foam – for the carrot nose
Here are my top Amazon Picks for this Snowman Toilet Paper Candy Ball Christmas Party Game for Groups…
(affiliate links)
[box] Charmin Ultra Strong Toilet...Shop on Amazon
Darice Black Poms 1.5" 15/P...Shop on Amazon
DIMENSIONS Feltworks Flat F...Shop on Amazon
BEACON Fabri-Tac Premium Fa...Shop on Amazon
Snowman Making Kit Just Add...Shop on Amazon Â
Madelaine Premium Milk Choc...Shop on Amazon Â
Bob's Red & White Mini Pepp...Shop on Amazon
Gift Boutique Christmas Gif...Shop on Amazon[/box]
Instructions for this “Saran Wrap” (Toilet Paper) Ball Game:

- Keeping one roll of toilet paper intact as your base – start to wrap it with another roll of toilet paper
- you can insert a prize into the cardboard tube as the very last prize of the game
- *the prize that you start with will be the last unwrapped – this should be the ultimate prize – the best reward you have

- As you are rolling, add toys or candy and roll the toilet paper across them to secure them inside the roll
- Depending on how many kids you have…Place toys or candy a few inches or several inches apart
- *The closer they are together, the more you can fit in, but the kids won’t have to work too hard at unwrapping to find a prize
- *You can always add a third roll of toilet paper to fit in more prizes and fun
- Every once in a while turn direction to make it more challenging to unwrap

- Once you’ve finished wrapping one roll of toilet paper, turn the ball the other way and start wrapping it with a new roll of toilet paper
- Once you’ve gotten to the close to the end of your prizes, wrap it a few times around with plain toilet paper
- At this point, you are just rounding out the toilet paper ball so you can decorate it and shape it into a ball
- Now, if you want to turn it into a snowman, use your pom-poms or cutouts and carrot nose to decorate one side of the ball. Add the hat and you are ready to play
Basic Rules for Playing the Saran Wrap (Toilet Paper Version) Game:
- All players should sit around a table
- Choose one player to start
- Give dice to the player to their left
- When ready, the player with the ball should start unwrapping it just AS the player with the dice simultaneously tries to roll a double with the dice
- If a double is rolled, the dice and the ball move to the players on their left
- Any prizes revealed during the unwrapping are theirs to keep – unless you have instructions otherwise from a challenge card
- *Challenge Card Ideas are above and add a hilarious and more challenging twist
~Merry Christmas
Kid-Friendly Things To Do